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Gille de Rais is a complicated historical figure. On one hand he was a French military hero – a man who fought side by side with Joan of Arc – and revered for his service to church and state. On the other, he was an accused heretic, an occultist, and the self-confessed serial killer of hundreds of children.
My guest is Margot K. Juby, author of “The Martyrdom of Gilles de Rais”. She believes that there is not enough evidence to prove that de Rais committed the monstrous crimes he has been accused of, and argues her case on this latest episode of Most Notorious.
The author’s blog: http://www.gillesderaiswasinnocent.co.uk/
The author’s Twitter/X handle: https://twitter.com/MorbidMorag
Buy her book on US Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Martyrdom-Gilles-Rais-Margot-Juby/dp/1729561357