Jack the Ripper: James Hardiman w/ Drew Gray

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Was the real identity of Jack the Ripper a Whitechapel horse slaughterer named James Hardiman? And if so, could he have committed the Thames Torso Murders as well? 

My guest is Dr. Drew Gray, who along with Andrew Wise wrote the book “Jack and the Thames Torso Murders: A New Ripper?”  He makes the case for Hardiman as our Jack the Ripper limited series continues. 

Drew Gray’s blog:  https://thepolicemagistrate.blog/

Amazon link to his Jack the Ripper book:  https://www.amazon.com/Jack-Thames-Torso-Murders-Ripper/dp/1445687763/

Amazon link to his  book “Murder Maps”:  https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Maps-Revisited-Phrenology-Fingerprint/dp/0500252459/

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