The Life & Mythology of Calamity Jane w/ Linda Jucovy

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Calamity Jane is without question one of the most iconic figures in Old West history. She’s been portrayed innumerable times in film and television, most recently in the HBO series Deadwood as Wild Bill Hickock’s loyal buckskin-wearing friend and sidekick. Her reputation proceeded her wherever she went, as a master bullwhacker, an excessive drinker, a riveting storyteller, and as a woman who found herself in some of the most pivotal moments in American western history. But how much of her larger-than-life personality was based on fact, and how much was exaggerated? 

My guest, Linda Jucovy, helps separate fact from fiction in this episode of Most Notorious. She is the author of “Searching for Calamity: The Life and Times of Calamity Jane”.

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