The Black Dahlia Murder Revisited w/ Piu Eatwell

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Black Dahlia, Red Rose: America’s Most Notorious Crime Solved for the First Time by Piu Eatwell

Original Air Date: 1/29/19

The 1947 Los Angeles Black Dahlia murder case has long been one of the most infamous unsolved crimes in American history, and many suspects have been accused over the years of being the slayer of Elizabeth Short.

In this second Most Notorious episode about the subject, I talk with Piu Eatwell, author of Black Dahlia, Red Rose: The Crime, Corruption and Cover Up of America’s Greatest Unsolved Murder. In her book, she makes a convincing case that the murderer was a man being pursued in a separate parallel police investigation, secret from the public, until it all blew up and the doctor leading the charge was unfairly discredited, despite compelling evidence. 

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