Texas Gunfighters Ben Thompson & King Fisher w/ G.R. Williamson

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Texas Pistoleers: The True Story of Ben Thompson and King Fisher by G.R. Williamson

Original Air Date: 11/6/2019

When many of us think about Old West gunfighters, our minds turn to men like Jesse James, Wyatt Earp, and Billy the Kid. But there were others equally as compelling, including the two that are the subject of my guest G.R. Williamson’s book, called Texas Pistoleers: The True Story of Ben Thompson and King Fisher.

Thompson and Fisher each had their own unique and violent lives, but happened to be together when they were shot to death at the infamous Vaudeville Theater Ambush in San Antonio, Texas. That story is told, along with tales of their gunfights and their fascinating encounters with famous western figures (and killers) like Buffalo Bill Cody, Wild Bill Hickock, Bat Masterson and John Wesley Hardin. 

Visit the author’s publisher page here: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/9781609490003

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