The 1912 Alice Matthews Murder

Part One
Part Two

In March of 1912, the brutal murder of a young woman named Alice Matthews, right in front of her own home, shook the city of Minneapolis. It was a crime so sensational that it would haunt the Twin Cities for decades afterwards, although the unsolved case has been largely forgotten today. In this two-part podcast, the murder and investigation is explored, along with possible suspects.

From the Minneapolis Morning Tribune, March 25, 1912 p. 1

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3 thoughts on “The 1912 Alice Matthews Murder

  1. Danette Quam says:

    I am writing you concerning your podcast “1912 Alice Matthews murder”. I just recently stumbled across your podcast in looking for articles on Alice’s Murder to share with my family. Alice was my great aunt and Jennie was my grandmother. There is so many details you’ve uncovered that I would like to speak with you about. I and my sisters were my grandmother’s only grandchildren. The murder was forbidden to be talked about by my grandmother.
    Please reach out to me 952-240-8443 or email.

    1. Most Notorious says:

      Hi Danette. Wow, neat connection! I’d be happy to chat. I’ll drop you an email.


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