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Most of us probably know at least the basics of the 1959 Kansas Clutter family murders case, in large part because the story was dramatically detailed by Truman Capote in his best-selling 1966 non-fiction novel entitled “In Cold Blood”.
But was Capote’s book as factual as he claimed it was? The Kansas Bureau of Investigation says so, but my guest, Gary McAvoy does not. Gary, along with Ronald R. Nye, collaborated to write the book And Every Word Is True, based on the personal notes and files of Ronald’s father Harold Nye, lead investigator of the case. Gary joins me to share some tantalizing theories from their book, based on forgotten facts, clues and witness statements from the original investigation over sixty years ago.

This on doesn’t work. I’ve been clicking through your sight and I wished I could listen to this one.
Sorry about that Mary. It’s updated now!