MoNo Classics: Jack the Ripper: New Clues & Theories w/ Tom Wescott

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Show Notes: Episode release date – 11/21/2019. I’m the first to admit that I am not a Jack the Ripper expert, and know full well how strongly Ripper fans feel about the famous serial murder mystery case. Tom Wescott is certainly a respected and renowned expert, and this episode – where he offers tantalizing new information -definitely brought out enthusiastic, vocal opinions (which I wholeheartedly endorse).

One of the world’s most preeminent Ripperologists, Tom Wescott, author of “The Bank Holiday Murders” and “Ripper Confidential” is my guest on this week’s episode of Most Notorious.

His extensive research into Jack the Ripper/Whitechapel murders give his a unique perspective into this truly iconic true crime cold case. Focusing on some of the more intriguing peripheral players in the events, including a suspicious prostitute named “Pearly Poll”, he offers a fresh take and new theories on who might have murdered the “Canonical Five” (and likely more) in Victorian-era London.

The author’s website:

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